
Shiba Inu Plush!

Created by Naomi Romero

Help bring this shiba inu plush to life!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Survey Confussion #2!
about 8 years ago – Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 07:48:40 PM


Once again, I have made another hiccup up. My focus was trying to make add ons as clear as possible and I have neglected to add sections for current pledges! This is my fault and once again, my apologies! I am currently contacting KickStarter to update the survey. Once they are updated, I will update again!

In the mean time, please put in the last field which items you PLEDGED for (and if you want to add any) until I fix this issue with Kickstarter.

Once again, my apologies! Do not worry, we will fix this! If it comes down to it, I will be contacting each and every one of you to confirm your pledge.

This was a human error on my part.

Update! + Survey
about 8 years ago – Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 01:10:32 PM

Hello, everyone!

I've been working on the sticker sheet and I am nearly done planning it out. As I've stated, it will include all three shibas, a sesame shiba, and kai ken! I am super excited!

Looks like we are still on schedule for November delivery, according to the factory. I cannot put the plush into production, as well as the stickers and pins, until Kickstarter releases funds to me. Once they do, I am immediately putting everything into production! Yay! 

Surveys are out! Please fill out as soon as you can so I can get an idea on how many plush to get. Also!  Additionally, you now have the chance to add items to your pledge! This way, you can add more plush, pins, or stickers to your order, without waiting until I open orders to the general public. 

Price guide:

Plush (red shiba, black and tan shiba, cream shiba, kai ken) - $32 each

Pins (red shiba, black and tan shiba, cream shiba) - $10 each 

Sticker set - $5 


Survey Confusion! + Messages VS Comments
about 8 years ago – Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 12:44:22 PM

Hello, everyone!

It has brought to my attention that a few tiers failed to include the "If no items are being added, please type "none"." sentence in the last message. This is an error on my part and I do apologize. Follow these steps to ensure your survey is complete!

Step one

Fill out your address. If you move, later on, no worries! You can change your address until address up until the plushes arrive.

Step Two

There is a "Would you like to add more items to your pledge?" question. Please select Yes or No.

Step Three

If you selected Yes, please type in what you would like to add to your pledge. I will check surveys often. You will receive an invoice through PayPal to pay for additional items. All additional items will be shipped with your current pledge in one package. I've had MANY messages asking if it was possible to add additional items to their pledge after the campaign was over, which is why I added this to the survey.

EXAMPLE: One (1) Red Shiba plush, One (1) Cream Shiba Plush, One (1) Black and Shiba Pin.etc

If you selected No, please type "n/a", "none", or "zero". 


ALSO! If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please send a message! Although I can read all comments left on updates, I am unable to comment to you directly. I don't want to make it sound like I am ignoring your questions or concerns. Feel free to message me at any time. I am very happy to provide any assistance or answer questions.

Thank you!

about 8 years ago – Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 12:05:36 PM

The campaign is over and I am so delighted to announce that this project was 474% funded! Thanks to you all, we were able to get the red shiba, the black and tan shiba, the cream shiba, and the kai ken plush all funded! We were also able to get the red shiba, b & t shiba, and cream shiba enamel pins unlocked as well! I am so happy I was able to talk to the manufacturer about lowering some costs since we were able to unlock the Kai Ken plush!

Everyone! I cannot thank you all enough for your overwhelming support for this project. Every pledge and share really made such a huge difference and my heart swells at all the supports, comments, and messages! I am very excited to deliver you all your plush and goodies. You all deserve them!

I am waiting for an update email from Kickstarter. Once I receive you, you will all be receiving a survey that will ask for your address, your desired plush(s), and if you want to add any more plush. If you wish to add any plush, you will receive a Square invoice to pay for any additional plush, pins, or sticker sheets. This way, I can keep track of each addition! I've had many emails today asking if you can add plush on top of your pledges so I am very happy to add the opportunity to allow your plush collection to grow!

I will be finishing and posting the sticker sheet too! The delay allowed me to actually plan on adding the Kai Ken to the sticker sheet as well, along with four different shibas (red, black and tan, cream, and sesame). Once it is done, I will post it here. 

Keep your eye out on updates! Any news from the plush manufacturer, pins, and sticker sheets will be posted here, as well as general updates.

I will be adding a FAQ page soon, to help answer any questions.

Again! Thank you all SO much for the support! I am so honored to have you all pledge and show your love for the project!

Less than 6 hours! + Sesame Shiba Plans
about 8 years ago – Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 05:02:34 AM

Less than 6 hours remain on the Shiba Inu AND Kai Ken Kickstarter! I am delighted to announce that all three Shiba Inus and Kai Ken have been unlocked, after discussing With the manufacturer. I cannot thank you all enough for the support!

You still have time to pledge, share, and support! Remember! I will get these plush shipped to all of you in November and I am not sure whether or not I will be taking orders for these outside of Kickstarter until 2017. If you need these for Christmas, pledging is a way to lock in you spot!

Also! You will be able to pick your plush(s) at the end of the campaign when I send out a survey.

Let's make the last 6 hours amazing! �❤️


Sesame Shiba! I cannot count how many emails I get in a daily basis asking for a sesame Shiba. Don't worry! I definitely I want to make one! Since I need to make the artwork and hire my good friend, Zakeno, to help me with turnarounds, I am not sure whether or not they will be done this year. I need to get sales from the my plush outside of Kickstarter to help fund the very expensive costs to put them in production.. HOWEVER! I am determined to bring one of the first sesame Shiba plush into the market and try my best to have them in production this year, for early 2017 delivery. I will post a preorder link within the next few months. Thank you all for the demand! I will also look at ways to get the Akita plush made as well in the winter of 2017. If all goes well, Shikoku! I will not forget about these amazing pups as plush and will ensure they get made into cuddly plush in the winter of 2017. You will all be the first to know!